• Selling all kinds of organic dates

    Dates are a natural wonder! They are not only delicious but also energizing, packed with vitamins and nutrients, making them a delightful and nutritious treat!

    Selling all kinds of organic dates
  • Why our products are the best

    Are you searching for the finest dates and decorative palm trees? Visit us, and you won't be disappointed! Our products, with exceptional quality and reasonable prices, are waiting for you.

    Why our products are the best
  • Selling all kinds of ornamental palms

    Ornamental palm, unique beauty for your garden!

    Bring the feeling of paradise to your garden with ornamental palms!

    Selling all kinds of ornamental palms


    We, Shivali Company, are proud to be one of the leaders in the date palm and ornamental tree industry, operating in the national and international markets with a commitment to quality, innovation and superior service.

    In the field of sales and distribution of dates and ornamental palms, Shivali company prides itself on high quality products and unique designs, using a lot of commercial experience and an expert team.

    Benefits of dates

    See how many benefits dates have

    Prevent anemia

    Dates are rich in iron, which helps prevent anemia.

    Skin and hair health

    Dates are rich in vitamins A and E, which help the health of skin and hair.

    immune system

    Dates are rich in antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system and fight diseases.

    heart health

    Dates are rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and heart health.

    digestive health

    Dates are high in fiber, which helps in digestion and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

    Strengthening bones

    Dates are a good source of magnesium and calcium, which help strengthen bones and teeth.


    Shivali Ornamental Palms

    As a symbol of expertise and trust, Shivali is proud to announce that it cultivates the finest ornamental palms in its heart. These palms are a symbol of beauty and unique design in the world of plants.
    If you are looking for the best ornamental palms with high quality and beautiful design, Shivali is your first choice. Our pride is to give beauty and life to your spaces and make our customers proud.

    Benefits of dates

    See how many benefits dates have

    Contaminant absorption

    Ornamental palms help clean the environment by absorbing air pollutants.

    The beauty of the environment

    Ornamental palms, with their unique beauty, help to beautify the environment of the house, apartment, garden and yard.

    Create shadows

    By creating shade, ornamental palms help to cool the environment in the hot seasons of the year.

    Ornamental palm

    Air Purifier

    By absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, ornamental palms help purify the air and improve its quality.

    Reducing stress

    Ornamental palms help reduce stress and anxiety by creating a calm and beautiful atmosphere.

    Increased humidity

    Ornamental palms help increase the humidity of the environment by evaporating water.

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    Dates Fruit

    The heavenly taste of our dates will surprise you.Our dates are of excellent quality and reasonable price.
    Click Here

    Ornamental palm

    Bring the unique beauty of ornamental palm to your home! Our ornamental palms will transform your home with their fresh green leaves.
    Click Here

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